Weather Stations

Walton Walton Walton Walton


Weather Stations

Rain Bird offers two Weather Station options to help meet your course’s unique irrigation management needs. Both WS‑PRO2 and the WS-PRO LT provide evapotranspiration (ET) management and reporting capabilities; while only the WS-PRO2 offers optional intelligent alarm and irrigation control responses through Rain Bird’s powerful Smart Weather™ software.

Technical characteristics

Weather Stations

Superior ET Model
Rain Bird’s Central Control Systems use weather sensor input to determine ET rates based upon a field‑proven proprietary equation for ET.
Automatic ET Download/Selective Usage
Automatically download weather data daily and calculate ET to determine irrigation times for the entire system or specific areas, holes or stations.
ET Override
Allows you to easily set certain programs to ignore ET values when determining run times.
Rain Bucket
Allows rainfall from one day to be carried over to the following day(s) for more accurate ET calculations.
Multiple Station Capacity
Connect up to five (5) weather stations to one central control system for more precise ET values based upon different weather conditions around the golf course.
Max Rainfall
User-defined maximum rainfall can be set to limit the amount of acceptable rainfall for clay soil types or other areas that are subject to high run-off.
Weather Data Reports
Generate reports to show current or past weather conditions by the hour, day, week, month or year.
Multiple Languages
Choose from 10 different languages (English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish or Chinese).
Measurement Units
English or Metric
Custom Alerts with User-defined thresholds and time periods
High or Low Ambient Temperatures
High Winds
Rainfall Intensity
Automatic Shut Off/Turn On or Pause/Resume
When alarm conditions are detected, Rain Bird Central Control Systems automatically shut OFF or suspend irrigation to the entire system or to specific areas only (tee box, fairway, green, etc.) and can turn ON or resume irrigation when weather conditions return to the acceptable range for irrigation.
Automatic Notification
WS-PRO2 Weather Station, using Rain Bird® Messenger,™ can notify you wherever you are, at the central control or via paging, text messaging or e-mail when alarm conditions exist.


Compatible Modules: Automatic ET, Multiple Weather Station
Communication System: Short Haul
Transmission Range: 20,000 ft (6,096 m)
Power Supply Required: 16 to 2 VDC
Air Temperature Sensor Range: -40° to 122°F (-40° to 50° C)
Air Temperature Sensor Accuracy: ±0.9°F (±0.5°C)
Relative Humidity Sensor Range: 0 – 100%
Relative Humidity Sensor Accuracy: ±5% – 90% to 100% RH, ±3% – 10% to 95% RH
Rain Gauge Sensor Resolution: 0.04" (1mm)
Solar Radiation Sensor Accuracy: ±2.5%
Wind Direction Sensor Range: 350° mechanical, 352° electrical
Wind Speed Sensor Starting Threshold: 0.78 ms-1 (1.75 mph)
Compatible Modules: Automatic ET, Multiple Weather Station, Smart Weather™ Alarms, Smart Messenger
Communication System: Short Haul
Transmission Range: 20,000 ft (6,096 m)
Power Supply Required: 9.5 to 16 VDC
Optional Power Supplies: Solar Panel
Air Temperature Sensor Range: -13° to 122°F (-25° to 50°C)
Air Temperature Sensor Accuracy: ±2.7°F (±1.5°C)
Relative Humidity Sensor Range: 0 – 100%
Relative Humidity Sensor Accuracy: ±6% – 90% to 100% RH, ±3% – 0% to 90% RH
Rain Gauge Sensor Resolution: 0.01" (0.25 mm)
Solar Radiation Sensor Accuracy: ±3%
Wind Direction Sensor Range: 350° mechanical, 356° electrical
Wind Direction Sensor Accuracy: ±4°
Wind Speed Sensor Starting Threshold: 0.4 ms-1 (0.9 mph)

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